Friday, March 6, 2020

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper " . Adelle Davis
The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight

The breakfast is propably the most underrated meal when it com
es to weight loss , because when done correctly , it's becomes a really effective way for weight loss .
Research has shown that people who take time to eat their morning meal consume less calories through out the day .

Not only that , they've also have higher levels of motivation to exercice and desire to live a healthy lifestyle , with lower chance of becoming overweight or obese then those who skip their breakfast .

There are many reasons for that , one of them is that people who skip breakfast are more likely to snack on junk food throughout the day, and over-indulge on unhealthy for lunch and dinner.

People used to say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day , you've probably heard this many times, and while it's not 100 % true , there's some truth to it .

And what you eat for breakfast is so important , because as the name indicates you are breaking the fasted state that you were in hile you were sleeping snce last night .

What and how you eat when you wake up in the morning will plan how your day will go.

And it becomes more important if you are trying to implement a healthy weight loss program, because choosing and eating a healthy breakfast foods makes the difference between success and failure.

But just because breakfast might be the most important meal of the day does not give you permission to eat whatever you want .

Unfortunatley this is exactly what most popular breakfast restaurants are setting people up for, so make be conscious not to fall for it.

They offer you fatty scrambled eggs, sugary muffins and donuts, and pancakes covered with more then enough syrup and cream to launch your blood sugar level up into outer space and beyond .

This is definetly not the right way to kick start your metabolic rate , and it makes your body stores fats instead of burning it .

Junk foods that are loaded with harming unhealthy fats, added sugars, and refined carbohydrates are not the right way to start your day, especially when you are trying to have a healthy , sustainable , long term weight loss .

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight

So , today i decided to help you , so you can avoid these morning common mistakes , below i present to you the top 10 breakfast foods that will ensure a successful and healthy weight loss journey .

Breakfast Food #1: Oatmeal

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight

We all remember when we were kids and our mother made us eat oatmeal instead of our favorite cereal .

My mom didn't know anything thing about nutrition science and probably neither did yours .

All what she knew back then is that it was unhealthy , and guess what ? it still unhealthy today no matter what they say .

So if you want some healthy alternatives try oatmeal .

You can sweeten it with fresh fruit - like cranberries and raisins for example - to enhance it's taste, which might be the #1 reason why people avoid it .

So just because you are older and have the freedom to make your own decisions now , does not mean your mother wasn't right .

Breakfast Food #2: Scrambled Eggs With Vegetables ... & Steak

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight
Sometimes you just want to eat a real American Breakfast like the kind you get at a tipical resaturant ? I hear you loud and clear , and i do understand .

The fact is there is nothing wrong if you want that...the question is , How do you do it while sticking to your healthy weight loss plan ?

Well the answer is so simple , be creative , and make yourself an egg beater omelette with some fresh vegetables and lean meat.

So just because some random restaurant wants to feed you certain types of food in a greasy , unhealthy way doesn't mean you can't eat the same thing in a healthy way.

Breakfast Food #3: Fresh Fruit With Granola

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight

Do you remember the recent high-protein low-carbohydrate diet fad that came and went far far away , the one that went faster than you could say Atkins? No one is on it anymore...gladely , and no one is thinner or healthier because of it.

Pro tip : You  know what they say , an apple a day keeps the doctor away , so don't you ever let anyone convince you that something like a fresh apples are bad for you.

And that's because your body needs carbohydrates fro some healthier sources like fruit and granola.

It also makes a great breakfast idea and it is considered as a substitute for unhealthy high sugar cereals .

And if you can sprinkle some protein powder on top of that , you will start your day with a healthy , weight loss friendly meal .

Breakfast Food #4: Soy-Protein Shake

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight
What if i told you that you can get 2000 calories worth of nutrition worth for about 180 calories without the added fat and sugar ? Wouldn't that be great ?

Just imagine that ? Good , what if you could do it through just one shake .

That's what soy-protien shakes are , that's why they are on our list of the top 10 breakfast foods for weight loss and to me it's the best way to begin every day .

So what happens when your body gets the right nutrition first thing in the morning ?

It will heal itself in ways you may never thought possible , and since it's a liquid meal , in won't take that much time to prepare so it's another benefit if you are a busy person .

Now that's some great health benefits that nothing on any restaurant breakfast menu is going to offer you .

Breakfast Food #5: Green Tea

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight
Green tea is considered to be the best liquid possible to many people , it has a several health benefits , as well as fat burning effects , want to know the best part about it  ?

It helps your body actually speed up your metabolism ! and it keeps you well hydrated which is an important part of a healthy breakfast .

Now try to find that in your usual starbucks favorite coffee drink .

Breakfast Food #6 : Avocados

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight
A lot of people are confused weather Avocados are fruits of vegetable .

Well Avocado are a wonderful fruit , and there are a lot reasons that makes you eat them at breakfast .

They provide numerous health benefits which includes dietry fiber , Not only that , they also help you on your weight loss journey

Unlike other fruits that are high in carbs, avocados are loaded with healthy fats. But despite that , they are less energy-dense due to their high water and fiber content .

To me , Avocados are a perfect addition to vegetable and fruit salads,

So add them to your salads and breakfast , their satisfying fat and fiber combo may help you slim down.

Breakfast Food #7 : Berries

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight
Berries contain less sugar than most fruits and they tend to have high fiber content and antioxidants .

They has been linked with weight management , which makes them a healthy breakfast food choice that will fill you up , and they can be added to many foods, such as oatmeal, yogurt, or salads , that's why they are a stable in this top 10 breakfast foods list .

Breakfast Food #8 : Grapefruits

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight
A fruit that no one talks about when it comes to weight loss , i think that it's due to ignorance because its effects on weight control have been studied directly.

Therefore, eating some grapefruits at breakfast does help you feel more satiated , full and eat less food and thus less overall calories.

Breakfast Food #9:Bananas

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight
Bananas are filled with fiber, potassium and magnesium , they increase satiety , and give you an energy boost which help decrease body weight , and weight loss , espacilly if you like morning workouts .

Breakfast Food #10 : Lean Meat

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight
I've mentioned above that egg omelette with some steak is a great breakfast idea , but if you want a breakfast idea without eggs then you should try meat .
Just like eggs , meat were feared for causing diffrent health problems , people think that it raise the risk of heart disease , diabetes and cancer despite the lack of scientific evidence to back up all of  these outdated claims

In my opinion , meat is one of the most effective tools in your arsenal to use for weight loss , because it so high in protien .

Protein is by far the most filling nutrient, and eating a high-protein diet can make you burn up to 100 more calories per day according to studies

Personnaly i prefer lean meats since i'm a carb lover , but if you follow a low carb diet you might consider a veritey of choice which includes fatty meats .

So there you have top 10 breakfast foods , now you should be creative with your ideas and how you will include them in your diet in a way that you enjoy

There are a lot of foods out there that I didn't mentioned here , but the one I talked about today  are considered to be the top ones that you can eat for losing weight in a healthy, natural , sustainable way ,

The Top 10 Breakfast Foods That Will Make You Lose Weight

Sure , It's not easy to change your taste palette, and i know that it will be hard at first , but try some of these suggestions , one by one , little by little as a replacement for the unhealthy high fat, high sugar choices that made you overweight in the first place .

Because believe me , living a healthy lifestyle is essential for healthy fat loss , and choosing to eat the right foods for breakfast is the first step in the right direction , as it's the first meal of your day .

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