Tuesday, April 7, 2020

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

For a lot of people living a healthy lifestyle seems impossible .

Things like eating a healthy diet , getting enough physical activity may seem like a dream that will never come true .

But the reality is that living a healthy lifestyle is one of the easiest things that you can do , providing that you change one small thing each time .

Replacing unhealthy habits with healthy ones overtime is one of the best ways to achieve your goals .

This is something that they won't tell you in that healthy lifestyle blog that you read on a weekly basis .

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

So if you are intrested and want to know how to have a healthy lifestyle keep reading , because in this article I'll give you 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle that you can apply anytime , anywhere .

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle 

Variety Of Foods Is Key

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

You need more then 40 different nutrients to have a good health , and no food can supply you with all of them .

Don't think that you are living a healthy lifestyle if you eat one healthy meal every now and then .

It's a long term goal , and a well rounded and balanced food choice will have it's effect over the long run .

So be wise about your food choices , and try different foods to see what works best for you .

For example if you ate a high fat lunch , you can follow it by a low fat dinner .

Or if you had a large meat portion for dinner today , maybe try fish or eggs the next day .

Carbohydrates Are Your Best Friend

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

Dedicate 50% of your daily calories to carbohydrates .

Foods like rice , pasta , couscous ... ect will give you more than enough energy to complete your day and workouts .

While whole foods like , wholegrain bread , brown rice and oats will make sure that you'll meat you daily fibre intake , which is important for a healthy digestive system and overall health .

Replace Saturated Fats With Unsaturated Ones

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

Fats are considered to be one of the most important macronutrients for your health and body to function properly , if used moderately .

Go overboard on them and you'll have a lot of negative effects of your weight and cardiovascular system .

You see , fats health effects are diffrent from one type to another , so here are some tips that will help you to keep things balanced .

Avoid completely trans fats , it doesn't matter where they came from , they are unhealthy .

Limit total and saturated fats consumption , this means less fatty meats .

What about unsaturated fats ? You might be asking .

Well don't worry , as eating fish ones or twice a week will make sure that you reach your healthy intake , you can also take a serving or two of fish oil every now and then .

When it comes to cooking , instead of frying , you should boil , bake or steam your foods .

Also opt for healthy vegetable oils and remove all of the meat's fatty parts .

More Vegetables , More Fruits

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

To get enough micronutrients , that are so important for our health , such as vitamins , minerals and fibres , you should consume more fruits and vegetables .

How much should I eat in a day ? This is a question that a lot of people ask , well try to shoot for at least 5 serving of fruits and vegetables per day .

For example you can do something like this , a glass of homemade fresh fruit juice or blueberries and oatmeal for breakfast , a piece of fruit such as an orange or an apple as a snack , and a mixed vegetables salad with each meal .

Less Salt , Less Sugar

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

The higher your salt intake , the higher your blood pressure , and the higher the risk of cardiovascular disease .

Here are some great tips to reduce salt intake in your diet .

When you go for grocery shopping next time , choose products that have lower or the lowest sodium content .

For cooking , try to replace salt with different spices , not only would this lower the salt intake , but it will add a variety of flavors and increase the tastes of your meals .

When you're about to start eating a meal , don't put salt at the table , or don't add salt to your meals before tasting them .

When it comes to sugar , we all love it , because it provides our foods with a sweet taste .

However , sugary foods and drinks are rich in useless energy and empty calories , so you should consume them in moderation , or as an occasional treat .

Fortunately, there are some healthy alternatives , such as fruits and honey , which can be used in foods and drinks .

Don't Starve Yourself , Control The Portions

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

The best healthy diet for you would be a diet that makes you eat a variety or different kind of foods , on a regular basis , and in the right amounts for you .

Don't skip meals , especially breakfast , as it can lead to unwanted hunger which can lead to overeating .

Eating some snacks between meals will help you to control you hunger , but it shouldn't replace your main meals .

So try to keep your snacks small , you could eat things like a piece of fresh or dried fruits , a handful of unsalted nuts , or some liquid meals such as protein shakes or smoothies .

If you want to to eat foods you like , without eliminating any of them , and without consuming too much calories , then you should pay a close attention and control your portion size .

Cooking the right amounts of foods will always makes it easier to not overeat .

Here are some great guidelines of serving sizes to keep in mind next time you want to cook .

A perfect healthy meal will contain a 100 g of protein source such as meat or fish , half a cup of carb sources such as rice or pasta , some vegetables are spices to add micronutrients and flavor , and a piece of fruits .

Use smaller plates , as it will help you to eat smaller servings without feeling the need to eat more .

Next time you go for grocery shopping , pick foods that have nutrition labels , as the calorie value will help you with the portion control .

If you are eating out at a restaurant , try to share your portion with your friend .

Water , Water ... And More Water

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

Daily water intake can change from one person to another , and it can vary depending on different factors such as climate and physical activity .

But it is recommended that adults should drink 1.5 litres of fluids a day at the bare minimum .

Notice that I said 1.5 litres of fluids and not water .

It's true that water is the best source , but your daily fluid intake can come from other sources , like flavored or unflavored water , sparkling or non sparkling water, fruit juices , herbal teas , milks , coffee , liquid meals... ect .

Maintain Your Healthy Bodyweight

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

Just like water intake , a healthy body weight will depends on several different factors , like gender , age , height , and medical conditions .

A healthy body weight is crucial for a healthy lifestyle , because being obese and overweight will likely increase the risk of a lot of diseases , such as heart diseases , strokes , diabetes , and cancer.

Luckily , this is an easy to solve problem .

You see excess body fat will come from overeating .

A lot of people think that you'll be fat if you eat a lot of fats and carbs , which is totally false .

If you eat past your daily calorie intake , you will store fat and , the calories source won't make a significant difference .

It just that fats are the most calorie dense macronutrient , that's why you need to consume them in moderate amounts .

The easy fix for this is eating less or doing more physical activity , or both of them .

Eating less will prevent you from overeating, and physical activity like exercising , and working out will spend the excess energy , which will make you'll feel good overall .

Move , Exercise , Workout

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

Physical activity is important , not only for overweight and obese people , but for all people no matter what their weight range or health conditions they have .

As I said previously , it will burn the extra calories , preventing you from dealing with weight problems .

It will improve you heart rate and blood circulation system , and will maintain your muscle mass and could increase it in some cases .

It will also improve your mood and help you to focus , and it will help you to be healthy overall .

The good thing about it is that you don't need to be a top level athlete to reap the benefits .

You easily stick to lowest recommendation of 150 minutes of weekly moderate physical activity , and enjoy all the benefits that it has to offer .

For example you can , use the stairs instead of the elevator , or you can park at the end of the parking lot so you can walk a little bit on your way to office .

You can go for a short walk during lunch break or after work , or you can make some time for fun family activities in the weekends.

Start today , And Progress Overtime

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

" A little progress each day adds up to big results " .

Last but not least on out 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle list is consistently adding small habits overtime .

If I can pick one tip or advice for good health in the long term , then this would be it .

Small and gradual lifestyle changes are easier to keep up with and maintain .

Don't change all your eating and lifestyle habits at once , you won't be able to maintain it and it could give you the total opposite effects .

What you should do is include these healthy lifestyle habits one by one as time goes by .

For example you can cut unhealthy foods one by one over time , or add a healthy food to your meal plan everynow and then .

This is an easy to practice habit , especially if you follow a specific diet , as it will make it easier for you to avoid certain foods based on the diet that you are following .

Or you can start an easy , short exercise or a workout routine and gradually progress to more challenging ones .

Also , instead of skipping breakfast , you could introduce a piece of fruit or a healthy drinks and gradually add things till you have a complete meal .

If you usually don't eat lots of fruits and vegetables , you can add just one of them to your daily meals and increase the amounts overtime .

If you used to eat a lot of high fat foods , you can replace them with low fat options , eat them less frequently or in smaller portions .

Final Thoughts

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2020

So that was it , those were 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle that are easy and effective .

You don't need a healthy lifestyle plan that gives you bunch of useless, hard to apply health tips , you just need to make small lasting changes over time .

So pick a tip or two and start applying them today , toward a healthier, happier life .

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