Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Best Workouts To Do At Home To Lose Weight

So I guess it happend right ?

Workouts To Do At Home To Lose Weight

All gyms are closed during this quarantine and now you are left with two options .

You either have to workout from home or you'll lose your progress.

Well , you don't have to lose your progress as today I'll show you the best workouts to do at home to lose weight .

This could be useful even in the future , maybe you hate crowded gyms and try to avoid them .

Or maybe you are trying to spend your money elsewhere , as gym's memberships can be expensive sometimes .

Don't worry , these workouts will improve your fitness and help you burn only fat if done correctly and consistently as I'll show you .

Working out and exercising is considered to be one of the most effective ways for rapid fat loss .

And when it comes to working out at home for weight loss , the verity of exercises is the key to success .

You see , the best workout at home will always include a mix of different effective fat burning methods and exercises .

Workouts To Do At Home To Lose Weight

This can goes from strength , endurance and HIIT - High Intensity Intervals Training - to stretching , mobility and flexibility .

And the reason for this is that each method has it's own benefits and will contribute to weight loss in a different manner .

Strength training will help you to build muscle , and the more muscle you have , the more fat you'll burn .

Also you'll look leaner from a fat distribution stand point , because fats have more area to cover , this is called body recomposition .

Endurance training -AKA cardio - will boost your overall health , and help you to burn more and more calories .

HIIT is a mix of both , it is the middle ground between strength and endurance training .

And finally stretching , mobility and flexibility will keep you injury free in the long run .

So if you are ready , let's find out the benefits of each type and method .

After that we'll take a look at the best workouts to do at home to lose weight .

Following today's tips and workouts , you'll boost your body's fat burning potential from the comfort of your own home , without the need to go to a gym .

Workouts To Do At Home To Lose Weight

Workouts To Do At Home To Lose Weight

Listen , it's true that going to the gym has a lot of benefits and advantages .

For example, if you get a gym membership that you paid for then you will be motivated to workout .

Secondly, the gym provides you with things that you won't be able to get at home , such as different equipments , personal trainers , yoga studios , saunas, swimming pools ... and a lot of other facilities .

And lastly , you will be able to meet new people and make new connections , which will allow you to spend some time away from home .

But the gym is not really suitable for everyone .

So If you cannot or do not want to join a gym for whatever reason , it's okey , it won't hinder your weight loss progress and results .

At home workouts are more then perfect for you if that's the case , especially if you combine 'em with some other outdoor activities .

And the reason for this is that at home workouts can include all major types of training that you can find on a regular gym such as:

Strength Training Or Resistance Training

Workouts To Do At Home To Lose Weight

Typical workouts and popular exercises such as weightlifting, rock climbing , squats , deadlifts and planks are called strength or resistance training .

This is because they allow you to get stronger by putting your muscles under tension for a certain period of time , either from a heavy object like a barbell , dumbbell or from lighter ones like your body weight , bands ...ect .

So by lifting heavy weight , you will produce tiny, micro tears in your muscles .

This micro tears will be healed and rebuilt with new , additional muscle fibers thereby improving your strength and muscle size .

So not only you'll become stronger , but you'll look better too .

Endurance Training Or Cardio

Workouts To Do At Home To Lose Weight

Aerobic activities such as , walking , jogging , cycling, hiking and swimming , increase your breathing and heart rate .

This will keep your lungs and circulatory system strong and healthy in the long run .

And of course, they'll increase your endurance , additionally they'll make you burn a large amount of calories .

Stretching , Mobility And Flexibility Work

Workouts To Do At Home To Lose Weight

Stretching , Yoga , Pilates and any other type of activity that involves stretching your muscles will improve and enhance your mobility and flexibility .

I can't stress this enough , being flexible is important in your fitness journey because it will keep you injury free , making sure you stay longer in this game .

It also increases your range of motion in most of the movements .

This will give you more freedom with your body , which will make the other activities easier .

If you have any equipments at home , such as weights, a treadmill, or a Pilates ball, then it would be better .

But the workout you will see here can be performed without any equipments and will only require your time , effort and a good pair of sneakers.

The Benefits Of Weight Loss Home Workouts 

Workouts To Do At Home To Lose Weight

Wherever you choose to do , working out and exercising will always come with a wide range of benefits .

But when we talk about at home workouts only , here are the main benefits :

They Are Budget-friendly

Let's be honest here , gym memberships are increasing as time goes by , a regular gym membership can cost you anywhere between 10$ and 100$ a month .

No only that , you'll have to spend more money on transportation , gym or store bought snacks , shakes , solid or liquid meals and more .

So by working out at home you are actually saving yourself a good amount of money that you'll be able to invest somewhere else .

They Are Motivational

It happened to all of us , but sometimes you just feel tired and unmotivated to workout , so you starts to come up with all kinds of excuses just to skip your gym session .

Unfortunately , you can't do this with at home workouts , because your gym which is your living room is only few steps away from you .

They Are More Enjoyable 

With at home workouts , you'll workout on your own terms , you'll wear whatever you want , listen to whatever you want , rest as much as you want and so much more .

This is something that I see in a lot of persons who workout at home or owns a home gym , they can make a fool of themselves without worrying about others .

They Require No Equipments

Relying on gym equipments to get the results you want to can feel disempowering at times.

Whatever your goal is , If you rely on gym equipments to get the results you want , you will feel like the gym owns you and control your goals .

This happend to me before as a lot of gym owners are annoyed by my heavy deadlifting ... " What Can I Do If I'm Too Strong For Your Gym Haha " .

Sometimes , you won't be able to follow your workout routine as it is outlined , as you'll be limited to only using the equipments available at your gym .

But if you workout at home , you can use basic equipment, if any , as I'm doing now during this quarantine .

You'll also be able to choose your favorite workout exercises at home .

This will give you a sense and a feeling that you own your workout routine .

They Are Time Saving

This is probably the part that most people hate , getting ready , taking a ride to the gym , waiting for your turn to use the equipments  , taking another ride back home , this is time consuming as you already know .

And since the majority of people don't have that much time to waste , at home workouts will be more beneficial in this aspect .

They Can Be Family-Friendly

Working out at home can make for fun family times .

For example you can get you children involved in your workout routine which will help them to build good habits .

Another great benefit is that you won't need to look for a babysitter when it's time for you to workout .

Other benefits include schedule flexibility, , sustainability , convenience and travel-friendliness .

These great benefits will definitely lead to long term success .

Are These Workouts Effective For Weight Loss ?

Workouts To Do At Home To Lose Weight

Well , the answer to this question is simple , as effective as you make them .

It doesn't matter if you train at home or at the fanciest gym of all times , being inconsistent or lazy with your workouts won't lead you to the weight loss that you've always dreamed about .

But if that's not you , and you are killing it with workouts , then you'll definitely reach your weight loss goals , sooner or later , even if it's just a bodyweight workout routine .

As recommended by The National Health Service and American Heart Association , you need to do at least 150 minutes of physical activity every single week for a good health ( 1 , 2 )

But , in order to make a noticeable difference in weight loss , you need to do more than just the bare minimum according to studies.

Remember , the most important thing is to progressively overload your workouts as time goes by .

And don't forget to be in a caloric deficit , which is considered to be the most important factor that you need to focus on to achieve your weight loss goals .

The Best Workout Plan To Lose Weight At Home

Workouts To Do At Home To Lose Weight

When you search on Google or YouTube for some good workouts to do at home to lose weight , you tend to find hundreds if not thousands of different workouts .

But the main problem is that these workouts are for general populations , they aren't based on your own experience level or your own personal needs .

They have no progression scheme , which is needed in order to see continual progress .

Luckily for you , this won't be a problem anymore .

You see , I've been in the fitness industry for 9 years , and trust me when I say that the best place to find workouts to do at home to lose weight is at .

Would you believe me if told you that they have 1400+ workouts ?

Yes they do .

And the best thing is they have workouts for everyone , and they have progression scheme for each workout which will make sure that you'll keep making progress and never plateau .

Whether you are a male or female , beginner or advanced , want to follow full body workout or other splits , you will find a routine that will suits you the best there .

So if this sounds good to you , and you want a daily workout program at home , go and check their website and filter the workouts based on your own need .

PS : if you are a beginner or someone who is new to working out , the I suggest that you choose either :

- A beginner workout routine at home , or a home workout program without equipment .

Final Thoughts 

Workouts To Do At Home To Lose Weight

So there you have it , you now have an endless list of workouts to do at home to lose weight .

They will improve your overall health , and boost your strength and performance .

Just remember, such workouts will only work when combined an appropriate , healthy , weight loss diet plan , such as a keto or a plant based diet .

So make sure that you are in a calorie deficit the majority of time , and try to stay away from calories dense foods , and stick to low calories ones , as physical activity can increase your calorie needs and make you hungrier .

This is especially true if you are following a fasting schedule , so you should be smart when to place your workouts to get the best of both worlds .

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