“One Pound At A Time”

You didn't gain all your weight in one day; you won't lose it in one day. ...

“You know what the secret to weight loss is? Don't eat much.”

After a lifetime of losing and gaining weight, I get it. No matter how you slice it, weight loss comes down to the simple formula of calories in, calories out.

“Decide. Commit. Succeed.”

Fitness is like marriage. You can’t cheat on it and expect it to work.

“If You don’t eat junk, You don’t gain weight.”

Food can be both enjoyable and nourishing

Friday, April 17, 2020

Choosing A Weight Loss Book : Things To Keep In Mind If You Are A Beginner

The most common thing that most people tend to do when trying to lose weight , is looking for the best weight loss book available , whether it's a diet book or an exercise one .

I've been in that same situation a lot of times .

Whenever I wanted to lower my body fat % , I would've search for days and days for that book that would give me the results I was looking for .

And during my mission - choosing a weight loss book - , I found a lot of books , and each one of them offers a different way than the other .

Choosing A Weight Loss Book : Things To Keep In Mind If You Are A Beginner

And after trying a lot of ways and methods from diffrent books , I came out to the ultimate conclusion .

The best way to lose weight and burn fat is the one that you actually use and stick to .

What I mean by this is that the majority of people will give up halfway through a diet or a workout program .

They will start to come up with all kinds of excuses , " I need faster results " , " I can't take the mental pressure anymore " , " I'm craving junk foods all the time " .

What I'm trying to say is that most of the weight loss plans and programs will work if you follow through and stick to them long enough .

However not all books are created equally, so if you are on the lookout for the next best weight loss book , make sure it tackles these essentials three keys .

Choosing A Weight Loss Book : Things To Keep In Mind If You Are A Beginner 

1 . Exercise 

Choosing A Weight Loss Book : Things To Keep In Mind If You Are A Beginner

The best weight loss books will contain a reasonable amount of weight bearing exercises .

Doing these exercises will speed your fat loss by increasing your metabolic rate .

It will also help you to maintain your muscles , which will allow you to keep your metabolism high throughout the day .

This way you'll boost your weight loss without the need to workout all day long .

2 . Diet

Choosing A Weight Loss Book : Things To Keep In Mind If You Are A Beginner

The best weight loss book should have a well balanced diet program .

I said balanced , because you don't want to go for an extreme diet that needs a ton of willpower to get through it .

As you probably know , you can't rely only on willpower to achieve your goals .

Willpower will always fade as time goes by , and it could let you down when you least expect it , when you need it the most .

3 . For You

Choosing A Weight Loss Book : Things To Keep In Mind If You Are A Beginner

The best weight loss book is the one that's suited for you and your specific needs, if you are a beginner who follows an advanced training program or dieting strategies, I would say good luck to you .

This is the most important aspect of what to look for when choosing a weight loss books , it has to serve your needs and goals.

Final Thoughts

So those were some simple tips on how to choose a weight loss book if you are just a starter .

Knowledge is by far the most powerful weapon and the best way to reach any goal in your in your life , including weight loss .

Keep these tips in mind next time you purchase that book , so you will be on the right direction .

And remember , the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step , so it might as well be a right one .

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Weight Loss Supplements Reviews : Why You Should Read Them ? Especially in 2020

As you probably know , a lot of people are becoming more more health conscious as time goes by .

They have developed a great awareness on how to improve their own health , as well as prolong their lifespan , especially with all the toxins that are threatening them on a daily basis .

That's why they tend to use supplements .

Weight Loss Supplements Reviews : Why You Should Read Them ? Especially in 2020

When it comes to supplements there are hundreds if not thousands of types , they are available in every way , shape and form .

This include vitamins , food supplements, pills, powders, liquid shakes, and people use them for different reasons, for better skin , better sleep , better mood , healthier body , mind, heart and so on , but the most prominent is weight loss .

Weight Loss Supplements Reviews : Why You Should Read Them ? Especially in 2020

However , before you buy supplements, you need to read the weight loss supplements reviews .

Weight Loss Supplements Reviews : Why You Should Read Them ?

This is an important thing to do , which seems that a lot of people neglect and rarely do .

And the reason for this is that not all these supplements are safe .

Weight Loss Supplements Reviews : Why You Should Read Them ? Especially in 2020

You probably heard a lot of horror stories in which people took an unknown weight loss supplement and it end up causing them severe damage .

People like to think that weight loss supplements reviews are there to sabotage those product , but in reality it's totally the opposite .

These reviews provide us with information about a supplement's ingredients, benefits , side effect and more .

I mean do you think that it's a wise thing to do , if you are fooled and lured into buying such products just because they are cheap , or because their model looks convincing ?

Obviously , it's not the wisest thing to do .

Instead, I want you to read these supplements reviews and their labels .

Weight Loss Supplements Reviews : Why You Should Read Them ? Especially in 2020

These supplements have 0 therapeutic claim approved , meaning that they won't cure any existing ailments that you might have .

And just as their name indicates , they are just supplements, they only supplement what you are achieving throught strict diet and hard exercise .

If a supplement claims to do more then it actually does , then it's not a supplement but it's a performance enhancing drug .

There's no shortcuts when it comes to fitness goals , especially weight loss , you still need to put the effort even if you are taking all kinds of supplements .

That is the only way to do things and nothing else .

Weight Loss Supplements Reviews : Why You Should Read Them ? Especially in 2020

The more discipline you are about your diet and exercise, the better your results will be , and it's okey to take a supplement after you cover the basis .

However remember to always read the supplement's review and label .

Final Thoughts 

It will always be better to do your research and read more about things that you will be putting into your body , because at the end of the day , it's you body , your choice , your life .

Monday, April 13, 2020

Exercising Machines That Will Help You To Lose Weight In 2020

Woking out from home has become a must these days .

And If you want to include a physical activity such as an exercise or a workout routine to your weight loss plan , you would perhaps like to invest in some exercising machines that can help you to achieve your goals without the need to go to a gym .

Exercising Machines That Will Help You To Lose Weight In 2020

Exercising Machines That Will Help You To Lose Weight 

First Choice

Althought there are a lot of popular exercising machines like treadmills , exercising bikes and elliptical machines , there are other choice that you may never thought about before ... it's called trampoline .

Exercising Machines That Will Help You To Lose Weight In 2020
Usually trampolines are available in several different formats depending on what you will use them for , or where you will place them .

The larger the trampoline the more space it will take - think the ones that you usually see in backyards - .

The majority of people use these large trampolines for recreational purposes, but they can also be used for exercising purposes .

Also the smaller the trampoline - mini trampoline - , the less space it will take , so these ones will be perfect for an indoor exercise or a workout routine .

These small ones can definitely make a great machines for exercising and working out while providing a lot of fun , plus they are cheaper then larger ones .

Exercising Machines That Will Help You To Lose Weight In 2020

Second Choice

If you don't want to get a trampoline for
whatever reason, or if you are looking for smaller or cheaper exercise machine , then you have unlimited choices that are much smaller and affordable .

For example, there are exercising balls , yoga and pilates mats , resistance bands and weight sets ... ect .

Theses are just some example that are far cheaper and smaller in size which you can choose from to pursue your weight loss goals from the comfort of your own home .

Now if you are wondering where you can buy exercising machines and equipments, then it's an easy thing to do .

You can buy them online or at any local sports goods store in your area .

Lol even the usual departmental stores stock them all the time .

However, if your don't have that much money or maybe you don't want to spend a lot on exercising equipments , then you could consider used ones which are usually much cheaper .

You can find these one either at an online auction stores or yard sales and thrift stores .

Final Thoughts 

Exercising Machines That Will Help You To Lose Weight In 2020

To be honest , when it comes to exercising machines and buying them , you have endless choices , and having some exercise equipment at home is one of the best ways to keep working on your weight loss goals from the comfort of your own home

So my advice for you is to pick the right one for you as soon as possible and start your journey today .

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat For Men In 2020 ( It's Not What You Think )

Have you ever wondered what is the best way to lose belly fat for men ?

If you are trying to lose belly fat by starving yourself , or by taking some unknown weight loss pills and supplements then you are in a big trouble .

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat for Men In 2020 ( It's Not What You Think )
You see , when it comes to losing belly fat , consistency is key to success .

And such hard to keep up with diets - like starvation diet - , and fat burning shortcuts will give you short terms results , and once you stop them , you'll get back to where you started , and probably you'll gain back more and more abdominal fat than you had in the first place .

Plus , they are harmful and extremely unhealthy, both physically and mentally .

I mean it's true that you should lose weight , but after all ... you need to have a life .

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat for Men  

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat for Men In 2020 ( It's Not What You Think )

In my opinion , the best way to lose belly fat for man is not what a lot of people think , it come way way before diet and exercises .

You see , before you start taking actions , you need to search deep inside you , and think about why you want to lose those fats .

Does this have to do with your self image ?

Do you believe that you'll unlock more and more potential when you have a six pack than when you have a big gut ?

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat for Men In 2020 ( It's Not What You Think )

I'm addressing this because this is a really important thing to address .

The fact is that whether they admit it or not , the majority of men want to keep their big gut .

And the reason for this is because it's much less work to have one than to not have one .

They refuse to give up the comfort that unhealthy lifestyle brings to them .

Drinking beer , eating junk food and watching football games are easier then sticking to a diet and working out multiple times a week .

But instead of thinking about all the pleasures that the unhealthy lifestyle brings , think about the pleasures and benefits that a healthy lifestyle has to offer .

Being able to do great outdoor activities , being able to live a longer , better life , being able to be a healthier , happier person , with less weight and hot body .

You'll have more and more confidence , self esteem and a greater self image .

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat for Men In 2020 ( It's Not What You Think )

And if you are wondering about the best way to lose belly fat for men after this , then following the right diet and having the right workout / exercise routine will get the job done for you .

I said the right diet and workout because sometimes you may face some problems if they are not the right one for you , and don't worry as i'll cover that in details in the future so stay tuned .

But the most important thing that comes before all of that is the willpower , you need to find the thing that will drive you and push you during this journey .

Because belly fat are called stubborn fats , which means that they are harder to lose then fats on the other parts of your body .

So you stop looking for things like how to lose belly fat in a month or how to lose belly fat in a week or how to lose belly fat overnight or how to lose belly fat without exercise because it ain't going to happen that fast , nor will it happen without putting the efforts and hard work

And the more fats you have , the longer and harder your journey will be , so be prepared for that .

Final Thoughts 

So , there you have , that's what i consider to be the best way to lose belly fat for men .

I shared these thoughts with you so you can take them into consideration and think about them a little bit as they can be super powerful .

Finding your motivation and purpose , is considered to be one of the best ways to achieve your goals , as it will set the foundation to what will come later .

Friday, April 10, 2020

5 Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Fast Results In 2020

A lot of people are struggling with weight management problems nowadays .

And the majority of them want to lose weight and burn fat in the fastest way possible .

Unfortunately, most of the time , these fastest ways and shortcuts to weight loss aren't healthy .

5 Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Fast Results In 2020

The good news is that are a lot of of ways that allow you to lose weight in a healthy manner .

So what are the best healthy weight loss tips that'll make you lose weight in the safest , healthiest, fastest way possible .

Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Fast Results 

Stop Snacking

5 Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Fast Results In 2020

Snacking is considered to be the #1 cause of obesity and people being overweight .

It add up to the total of your daily calories and it's not that filling .

So if you want to see fast weight loss results right away , STOP SNACKING .

Add An Exercise Or A Workout Routine

5 Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Fast Results In 2020

Do you think that you'll reach you weight loss goals by laying on the couch and watching your favorite TV show .

Well , I got some bad news for you ... YOU WON'T !

It true that you can lose weight simply through a dietary intervention .

But adding an exercise routine or a workout will accelerate your weight loss rate .

So if you are seeking fast weight loss in a healthy way , you don't have to skip meals - especially breakfast- and starve yourself , instead burn some calories through physical activity .

Create A Caloric Deficit

5 Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Fast Results In 2020

Have you ever wondered why we gain weight in the first place ?

It because we eat way more calories then our body needs .

Weight management or manipulation is easy , it all comes down to calories in vs calories out .

If you eat at maintenance , you'll maintain your weight , eat more calories then you need and you'll gain weight , eat less and you'll lose weight .

You can try all the diets and fancy tricks but at the end of the day it all comes down to calories .

So by simply reducing your caloric intake , you will start to lose weight at a steady pace , add an exercise or a workout routine to the equation and you'll be flying .

Stay Away Sugar 

5 Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Fast Results In 2020

Once you start your weight loss journey , you'll have a lot of enemies , and sugar is one of them , and it's a big one .

So avoid all sorts of sugary foods , especially drink , as they are loaded with empty calorie .

This include cakes , candy bars , energy drink ... ect .

And last but not least on today's healthy weight loss tips list :

Drink A Lot Of Water

5 Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Fast Results In 2020

When it come to weight loss , most physicians and dietitians would suggest drinking a lot of water .

Water has a lot of benefits , it will keep your energy at the higher levels , delay your hunger feelings if you are following a fasting type of diet , and it will flush any impurities or toxins out of your body .

And the beauty of it is that you have a lot of choice to choose from , such as sparkling and flavored ones , and all types of healthy liquids , but pure water will always be the best choice .

With that said you should avoid alcoholic drinks too , as they are just like sugar ... high in empty calories .

Final Thoughts 

So , there you have it .

By following these simple , healthy weight loss tips , you'll be half way there , because nothing will ever beat the basics .