Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020

" You didn't gain all your weight in one day , neither you will lose it all in one day " .

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020

We all want immediate results , we don't believe in long term hard work so we look for shortcuts , because we are just like little kids , we want the reward now .

We workout for a a couple of weeks , and maybe diet for a month or two , then we are ready to give up on our goals and dreams .

But when it comes to weight loss , you can't rush it , you need to do it for the long term , it' not about now , it's about years and years to come , it's a lifestyle , a way of living .

Nowerdays , there are a lot of information on how to lose weight and shed some fats . And most fast fat loss tips will help you drop the pounds , but it’s not a long-term plan because once you stop those changes , you will gain that weight back , if not more .

That's because in addition to exercise and diet there are a lot of other factors that come into play when we talk about fat loss .

Luckily for you ,  there are plenty of simple steps you can take to increase fat loss, quickly and easily , and in this article i will show you how to do that as fast and as safely as possible .

So whether you’re looking to improve your overall health or simply burn some fat and slim down for summer, apply these essential rules for an easy , fast fat loss and sustainable weight-loss maintenance .

Increase Your Protein Intake

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020
Protien may be the most important macronutrient when it comes to weight loss and there are several reasons for that , the most important ones are :

- It's satiating , makes you feel full , decrease your appetite and thus reduce your caloric intake and the amount of food that you can eat in a day as this studies shows ( 1 , 2 ) .

- It takes more energy to be digested and by this it raises the amount of calories that you burn throughout the day .

- It preserves muscle mass according to this study , making sure that you only lose weight by burning fat and not losing muscle when you're in a caloric deficit .

- It may be associated with lower risk of belly fat per this studies ( 3 , 4 ) .

- It contains the greatest array of amino acids per calorie , which will provide the largest nutritional value possible since you'll be in restricted diet .

- Plus studies found that when people achieve a threshold dose of 10 essential amino acids per meal they reduce body fat significantly.

So plan your meals around high quality protein sources . And if you are not used to high protein diets and don't know where to start , here what i want you to do :

- Eat at least 1.6 g/kg of bodyweight of protein a day , because this threshold has been shown through researchs to preserve muscle mass in lean people on a calorie restricted diet .

- Go for complete proteins such as meat , fish ( fatty and lean ) , and eggs because these are of the highest quality .

- Legumes and beans are great options if you're a vegetarian .

And if you have a low appetite or just can't eat high amounts of protein for whatever reason , you can get a protein powder / ready to drink that will help you to achieve the same benefits .

Load Up On The Fiber

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020

We can't deny that the plant based diets are the most effective ones when it comes to rapid fat loss , and the reason for that is that these foods are loaded with fiber .

Fruits , vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds can boost fat burning and produce rapid weight loss .

According to studies, building your diet around high-fiber foods can protect you against excessive weight gain and fat storage .

There are two types of fibre soluble and insoluble .

Soluble fiber are the one that will promote a fast weight loss , it absorbs water and moves slowley through your digestive tract , helping you feel fuller for longer according to this study .

Another study found that for each 10-gram increase in soluble fiber intake per day, individuals lost nearly 3.7% of their belly fat over a period of 5 years , without any changes in diet regime  or exercise routine .

One review shows that an increase of 14 grams of fiber per day was associated with a 10% decrease in calorie intake .

Plus it was linked to 4.4 pounds of weight loss over a period of 4 months .

Consume More Healthy Fats

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020

People are afraid of consuming fat in their weight loss journey thinking that eating fatty foods will get them fat , and I totally get it

But the thing is that people are reffering to unhealthy type of fats that destroy your health .

Look , i know it seem counterintuitive , but increasing your healthy fats intake actually help prevent weight gain while maintaining feelings of fullness .

In fact there've been some studies on the relation between fats and weight loss and this is what they found :

- Fats can reduce appetite and hunger , because it takes a while to be digested and thus slowing the emptying of the stomach according to this study .

- This study shows that people who follow a Mediterranean Diet ( which is rich in healthy fats ) had a lower risk of weight gain in comparison to low fat diet

.- Another study found that people who took two tablespoons of coconut oil on a daily basis lost more belly fat than those who took soybean oil instead .

- Healthy Fats doesn’t necessarily add up to fat around your waistline , unlike unhealthy types of fat ( like trans fats which have been shown to do that both in humans and animals according to these two studies 5 , 6 )

Fats provides flavor , texture, and variety to meals which is not a study LOL , but it's something that you'll need to enjoy and sustain your rapid fat lose diet , trust me on that one .

Now that you know the benefits of including healthy fat sources into you weight loss diet , here's what you should do :

- Don't go overboard with the fats because they are high in calories , so try to get at least 25% of your calories ( don't go above that ) from good sources of fat and avoid artificial trans fats .

- Olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts and seeds are great sources of healthy types of fat that will get you to lose fat rapidly .

- Use coconut oil ,  butter, and other saturated fats for high heat cooking , because they do not get oxidized .

- For low-heat cooking use olive oil .

Eat Less Refined Carbs

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020

Whole foods are much better then refined ones when it comes to shedding the pounds .

And the reason for that is that during processing refined grains are stripped of their bran and germ, and that's where all the fiber and nutrients are found , which resault in a final product that's basically nutritionally empty calories that make you hungrier than if you would consume the whole grain instead .

A lot of studies were conducted on whole vs refined carbs and this is what they found :

- A diet that's high in whole grains has been linked to a lower body mass index and body weight, plus a smaller waist circumference , unlike a diet that's high in refined carbs which was associated with increased belly fat . ( 7 , 8 )

- People with higher intakes of refined grains tended to have a higher amount of disease-promoting belly fat , while those who ate more whole grains tended to have a lower amount .

Refined carbs also tend to have a higher glycemic index, which can cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, resulting in increased hunger .

For the best results, reduce your intake of refined carbs from sweetened , processed / junk foods, pastas, white breads  and restaurants.

And instead replace them with whole grains such as whole wheat , barley , quinoa and rey and you'll have a far better experience with fat loss diets .

Switch To Healthier Beverages

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020

I remember when I first started working out to build some muscle . I heard people all around talking about this GOMAD diet , which is short for a Gallon Of Milk A Day .

And basically what you do is drink most of your calories , as a gallon of milk , and it worked .

Drinking your calories is a fantastic way to add additional calories that's required to put you in a caloric surplus without stuffing your face with food all day long .

But when it comes to weight loss , drinking your calories may be the worst thing you can possibly do .

You see , liquid calories can give you load of calories while leaving you empty , which will make you hungrier , and it gets worse if you opt for unhealthy beverages , as they low in nutrients .

Studies shows that consuming both sugar-sweetened beverages and alcohol ( which both are empty calories ) is associated with a higher risk of belly fat ( 9 , 10 ) .

In this study , people who drinked water before meals experienced 4.4 pounds more in weight loss , compared to those who didn't .

Another great option would be green tea . As it contains caffeine  , which may help enhance metabolism and increase fat burning   .

Another study showed that green tea extract increased fat loss by 12% .

So try swapping for healthy beverages that's low in calories if you want to lose fat rapidly .

Drink More Coffee

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020

The most popular primary ingredient in just every fat-burning supplement is caffeine , and here's why .

It acts as a central nervous system stimulant, increases metabolism and boosts the breakdown of fatty acids .

One study found that the higher the caffeine intake the higher rate of success with long term weight loss journey .

Another study found that high caffeine intake was associated with less weight gain over long periods of time

I know that it may not be as effective for rapid fat loss as previous points , but it can be very helpful as it delays hunger in what is considered the most effective strategy to rapid weight loss which I'll talk about now .

Stop Eating ( Intermittent Fasting )

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020

It's an old practise , and people have been doing it since ages , weather they wanted to or they were forced to .

In the old ages , people used to be Hunter / Gathers . They used to go out and gather plants or hunt animals for food , and sometimes it would take them days to find something to eat .

So , from an evolutionary standpoint ,  we were ment to fast , we're not suppose to sleep on a coach and eat junk food while watching a football game .

The effects of intermittent fasting was studied , and they found that alternate-day fasting reduced body weight by up to 7% and decreased body fat by up to 12 pounds over a period of time .

One study showed that eating only during an eight-hour window each day helped decrease fat mass and maintain muscle mass when combined with resistance training which will discuss in the next point .

Although there are different methods of fasting , they all seems to have similar benefits .

What's more important is that you pick a schedule that suits your lifestyle and that you can enjoy , and there no problem if you want to experiment with different methods to find the ideal one for you .

The most popular fasting schedules are : Eat Stop Eat , the 16/8 method , the alternate day fasting and OMAD ( which is short for One Meal A Day ) .

Now that we covered the nutrition part , which is the most important one when it comes to rapid fat loss and normal weight loss in general , we'll cover now the training part because it will only accelerate your fat loss process .

So weather you want a faster fat burning rate or you just can't stick to dietary changes , I'll show you what you need to do for a rapid fat loss .

Lift Some Weights

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020

" Weight training increases muscle mass , and therefore makes you gain weight , so why the heck would you I lift weight ? "

If that's what you think , you're wrong , dead wrong and here's why.

It's true that's lifting weights will build muscle , make you gain weight , but that's the beauty about it .

It's makes you gain muscle mass , which will increase your metabolism , and makes you burn more calories by default .

It gets even better if you are a beginner to weightlifting , you can easily build muscle and lose fat at the same time , this is called body recomposition , because your body will be burning tons of fats to fuel the muscle building process .

It also triggers the muscle protein synthesis , which helps you lose weight by burning fat only and not muscle .

Plus the bigger your muscle , the more surface the fats has to cover , so from a fat distribution stand point you'll look leaner and better .

So if you are willing to put the work into lifting some heavy weight here's what I want you to do :

  • Eat at a small calorie deficit or at maintenance and get stronger in the gym , not only you'll burn fat at a rapid rate , but you'll look sexier and more appealing . 
PS : If you are new to strength training and don't know where to start , I can help you out , just leave a comment and I'll get back to you soon .

But Wait !! What does the science have to say about weight lifting and weight loss .

One study showed that strength training with aerobic exercise was reduced more body and belly fat as opposed to aerobic exercise alone .

Another review found that resistance training increased calories burned at rest by 7% and reduced fat weight by 4 pounds .

Don't Skip Cardio 

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020

One of the most popular and efficient ways to burn fat rapidly is aerobic exercises .

Walking , jogging and swimming are one of the best tools you can use to shed some pounds .

And I like them because they can help you to stay in a caloric deficit in an easy , enjoyable way , just pick the one that you prefer and you are good to go .

By looking at 16 different studies ,  this review found that the more aerobic exercise people do , the more fat they burn .

If you think that cardio isn't enough , or if you are someone who'd looking for ever faster results ,  you can up the intensity , welcome to HITT land .

Try HIIT Workouts

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020

Short for High Intensity Interval Ttraining ,  HIIT workout is really self explanatory .

You basically do cardio , and alternate between fast explosive bursts followed by short rest / recovery time , which is obviously more time efficient .

One study revealed that men who performed HIIT burn 30% more calories than those who did other types of exercise ( such as cycling or jogging ) , in the same amount of time .

Another study conducted on young men , found that performing HIIT for 20 minutes three times a week resulted in 4.4 pounds lost in body fat ,  even with no other changes to the participants diet or lifestyle .

And that was it for the training section , that's really all what you have to do in terms of training

And in terms of lifestyle changes , the most important one is :

Get More Sleep

The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020

Believe it or not , there a strong relation between sleep and weight , and it was studies in a lot of occasions .

This research shows that a lack of sleep may contribute to alterations in hunger hormones, which may increase appetite and raise the risk of obesity .

And one study showed that better and efficient sleep quality increased the chances of successful weight loss by 33% in participants .

Another study showed that those who fewer hours per night over were more likely to gain weight than those who slept for longer periods per night .

What you should do is try to go to bed a little bit earlier , or wake up a little bit later , as this will help you in you rapid fat loss journey .

So Those were the most effective ways for rapid fat loss , now you have all the tools you need to burn some fat in an easy / rapid way.

My advice for you is to pick the one that you like / enjoy and stick and don't force yourself to do something that you don't want to do , because at the end of the day they all can deliver great results if you stick to them .

Please if you have any questions , want more details on one of these ways or you have another great ways that I didn't mentioned , comment down below and feel free to share it with your friends and family who might be interested in this topic .

And if you are yet to check my article " The Ultimate 30 Day Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results " , you can do it now .

Also don't forget to subscribe to our email list down below , that way you'll get notified whenever I post a new article .

With that said , I'll talk to you in the next article .

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