Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results

" I want to lose weight " .

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results

That maybe the most common goal that people want to achieve in the fitness industry , whether they want it for health , or just for appearance , they just want it , and they want it bad .

And in order to achieve that people tend to use different approaches ,  programs and diets , as they are always in the search for the best solutions to get the body they've always wanted .

If you've been in the weight loss community for a while you've probably heard about liquid diets , which are basically a type of diets that promises you results with minimal effort .

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results

Sounds too good to be true right !? And probably you are wondering if you should try it or not !?

Well , You are lucky , because today I will teach you everything that is related to liquid diets when it comes to fat loss .

- What is a liquid diet ?
- Is there one type or several types ?
- What foods should I consume ?
- What foods should I stay away from ?
- Is it safe ? Or is it too risky ??
- What does the experts and scientists say ? ... ect .

That's what you might be thinking right now , don't worry , you've come to right place .

All of these questions will be answered today .

And at the end of this article I'll give you a full costumable weight loss liquid diet meal plan .

This will allow you to apply this type of diet to your own personal life , and have verity of foods that suits your own preferences .

So , if that sounds good to you , let's get started .

First of All , What Is A Liquid Diet ?

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results

A liquid diet is really self explanatory .

You basically replace whole , solid foods in your diet with liquid ones ( like soups , homemade or store-bought fruits and vegetables juices , smoothies, homemade or premade protein shakes , and store-bought liquid meal replacements ) .

This will make you get all your calories , or at least most of them from liquid foods .

You can either do only liquids which is a full mode liquid diet , or you can do partial one , in which you replace one or two of your meals for example breakfast and lunch with drinks , and you eat a regular healthy dinner .

Another option would be replacing only snacks with liquids while eating whole , solid foods as the main meals , or vise versa .

You can do some of liquid diets on your own , while others must have a medical supervision .

There are companies that have a variety of liquid meal replacements to choose from based on your goals .

As there are others who offer certain "juice cleanses" with different phases .

Is there one type or several ones ?

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results

Now that you know what a liquid diet is , it's time to see what types are out there because they are not the same .

There are diffrent types and categories , and each type is suited for specific situation and demographic .

There are three main types of liquid diets : 

Meal Replacements 

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results

The first type is the meal replacement liquid diet .

As the name indicate, this diet involve meal replacement shakes / juices , which are consumed in place of one or two solid meals as this study shows .

These meal replacement shakes / juices usually replace breakfast - called instant breakfast drinks - or lunch , they are often low in calories and contain all the nutrients your body needs to function properly , from macros (protein, carb, and fat) to micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) , as shown in this study .

You can either make this meal replacement shakes at home , or you can buy them from store or online as there are a lot of companies that sell these shakes for weight loss purposes .

Note : You are allowed to eat solid foods on this diet as long as they are healthy and nutritious .

Cleanses and Detox Diets

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results

The second type of liquid diets is the Detox / Cleanses Diet .

This type of liquid diet have gained a lot of popularity in the past few years .

The claims are that this diet will detoxify you ( remove the toxic substances from your whole body ) and refresh you as this study shows .

And in order to remove these toxic substances you'll be limited to the consumption of certain drinks / juices , such as vegetables and fruits juices .

The biggest drawback is that this diet relies on few few natural ingredients - some natural juices , herbs and beverages - , which means that you'll suffer from nutrients deficiency .

Also it is hard for beginners as they are not used to such extreme type of diets .

So if you are someone new to this diet , a good starting point would be to do it once a week for a month .

This means that for one day in every week , you'll drink only vegetables /fruits juices , and some herbs / healthy beverages .

Other popular example of this diet would be The Master Cleanse , Water Fasting and other Juicing Programs .

Medically Prescribed Liquid Diets

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results

The last type is Medically Prescribed Liquid Diets .

These diets are often prescribed by doctors before or after certain medical procedures , such as surgery , or for people with different digestive problems .

Some examples of this diet would be Clear liquid diet and full liquid diets , which are medically prescribed for specific health reasons .

The main difference is that clear liquid diets only allow the consumption of clear liquids, such as water and some healthy beverages .

These diets are prescribed before or after surgeries .

On the other hand , Full liquid diets are also prescribed for similar reasons , but they tend to be less restrictive .

They often times allow most beverages, as well as foods that become liquid at room temperature, such as popsicles , some shakes and pudding .

So the bottom line is that this diet is not for weight loss obviously , because you'll need special attention and monitoring by a doctor .

Now we've come to the most important question , and this might be the only question that you hope to get an answer to .

Do liquid diet work for weight loss ?

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results

The short answer is Yes .

Liquid diets are the go-to diets for the majority of dieters who seeks weight loss .

And that’s because they are time convenient , they improve metabolic rate , detoxify the body and can support the digestive system .

And this results in weight loss in one way or another , and better overall health .

Below are the ways liquid diets aid in weight loss .

- They are low in calories 

We all know that the number 1 factor that will determine whether you'll lose weight or not is your calorie intake .

This means that in order to lose weight , you need to be in a caloric deficit - here's a full guide on how to set a caloric deficit for weight loss - .

In other words you need to consume less calories then your body needs , so your body can start to use the stored glycogen or fat as the source of fuel , which will lead to weight loss .

So by following a liquid diet you are achieving exactly that , because juices / healthy beverages / smoothies are all low in calories .

And they can help you in your weight loss journey by taking the tracking and guesswork out of the equation .

The bad new is that the results may not last.

When you drastically cut calories , your metabolism slows to save energy .

So unless you change your eating habits to support the weight loss process , you're likely to regain the weight you lost after you go off the liquid diet .

But it seems that some liquid diets work better over the long term than others .

Diets that include both solid food and liquids can be an effective and convenient way for overweight people to control the number of calories they eat .

- They are convenient 

Did you ever felt like you are so tired to make a meal , I mean you got to think of what you'll cook , scroll through recipes , prepare the ingredients,  cook the food , eat , wash the dishes ... ect .

Well guess what ?? With liquid dieting you will never have to go throught that scenario ever again .

All what you have to do is toss the ingredients into a blender and there you have it .

Whether it's breakfast ,  lunch or dinner, you are covered and good to go at any time .

And personally , I prefer liquid diets when i'm busy , tired or just too lazy to make my meals .

It's still better then going to restaurants or order unhealthy food which will only set you back in terms of weight loss .

- They are healthy and nutritious 

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results

Back in the old ages , when the modern man was a caveman , back when tires was stone wheels , people ate foods in the natural form .

In today's world,  with all the washing , peeling and cooking techniques , you'll be lucky if you kept half of the nutrients in the food that you actually eat .

But with a liquids diet , when most of your foods comes from juices and smoothies , it will still contain most of it's nutrients .

This will result in a metabolic rate increase per this study , and will help you to use up the calories in the form of usable energy .

- They are easy on your digestive system 

As someone who suffered form chronic constipation and IBS for 6 years , I can tell you a lot about the benefits of liquids on your digestive system .

Liquids are essential for your digestive track to work properly .

But liquids will have a great effect when combined with fibers .

And as this study shows , liquid meal replacements was found to have more fiber then solid meal replacements .

So when you include the fibers that you'll get from fruits and vegetables juices / smoothies , with the liquids that you are already consuming , you'll feel really good .

Pro Tip : if you are suffering from IBS and especially IBS-C ( which is the type of IBS that gives you constipation , try Psyllium Husks , it will change your life , and turn it upside down in a good way ) .

You can read about the benefits of Psyllium Husks for constipation here .

- They help in detoxification 

Liquid diets are rich in vitamins , minerals , and dietary fiber .

And these micronutrients have antioxidant properties which make them an excellent way to detoxify your body .

Add to that the water content and dietary fiber  from the juices/broths/smoothies that you'll be using and Voila , you now have a secret , effective weapon to cleanse the digestive tract .

You can get dietary fiber supplements at any health store or online

Liquid diets risks

Althought liquid diets have so many great benefits when it comes to weight loss , it comes with some potential risks .

The benefits to risks ratio depends on the type of the liquid diet that you are following and it's duration .

So whether you're following a liquid fast that's promoted as "cleansing" , or a liquid diet that promises to help you drop the pounds quickly , you need to know the risks before you decide whether weight loss liquid diet is worth it or not .

- They might cause diet deficiencies

Generally speaking , meals replacement liquid diet is considered safe in the long term .

The reason for that is that it makes you replace only one or two meals per day with juices , smoothies or a meal replacement shake .

As we discussed previously , these drinks tend to contain the nutrients needed for your body, including carbs, fats, protein, vitamins and minerals .

So this will ensure that you get other nutrients from your whole solid meals as well .

And it's probably a good idea to include some healthy , whole , solid foods in your weight loss liquid diet if you are planning to stick to it long term .

Because even though a liquid diet can provide you with generous phytonutrients, carbohydrates and vitamins , it still missing essential fatty acids , and protein , if all what you consume is liquids .

And missing out on such essential nutrients can lead to different side effects such as :

- Fatigue : you will feel tired most of the time , and you'll look like a zombie too .

- Dizziness : you will feel that the world is spinning around you .

- Hair loss : don't be surprised when you see it in your shower sink

Gallstones : pretty self explanatory , and let me tell you , they will hurt like hell .

- Heart damage : which is rare but still a possibility .

Also , if you didn't choose your foods wisely,  you may be lacking in the fiber department , because you're not eating fiber rich foods , and thus you can get constipated .

So by following a meal replacement diet , you lower the risk of suffering from nutrient deficiencies , which may be a serious possibility if the majority of your diet comes from liquids .

- They put you in a huge caloric deficit 

People like to think that the more the better when it comes to weight loss .

More starving , more cardio , more fasting , more water , more " less food " ... if that make sense ! .

And that may be the first reason why they want to follow " the one week liquid diet " or " the 30 day liquid diet " , because they are eliminating all the foods from their diet .

But this isn't always the case , let me tell you why .

You see whether it's a normal or a liquid diet , very low-calorie diets ( i.e 400-500-800 calories per day) can be lacking in a balance of macronutrients and micronutrients you need .

And they may even lead to a higher risk of gallstones than low-calorie diets (1,200–1,500 calories per day) .

Warning : People shouldn't try to set such types of diets by themselves , because most of them do not need to follow a very low-calorie diet if they're seeking weight loss .

Neither do they need to follow a low calories whole food or liquid diet to lose weight .

So to sum it up , these type of diets can only be used under medical supervision .

Even though very low calories liquid diets that are medically prescribed are considered safe for short-term use , they should not be followed for more than 12 weeks , even if it's for medical purposes .

Also medically supervised liquid diets require hospitalization and regular checkups to make sure that complications are not developing .

So If this type of diets was not prescribed to you by a medical professional for medical reasons , it is probably unnecessary and too risky to follow .

- They might teach you the wrong lifestyle

Let's face it , weight loss is a long term goal , a lifestyle .

It's not something that you do for a week or two then call it a quit .

You need to create good habits that will ensure a sustainable weight loss and stick to them .

Because guess what ? The moment you stop those habits and go back to your old ones , you'll regain all that weight ... if not more .

And this is where liquid diets fail , I said previously that they are a quick solution if I don't feel like making a meal .

But the thing that you will start to notice if you did it for too long , is that you'll start to relay on the drinks as your meals .

So they fail to teach you how to craft meals that will support any weight loss in the long run .

And you will start to eat whole foods again at some point , so if you don't have good, healthy habits in place , habits that can sustain those weight loss results , you could end up regaining any lost weight and possibly more when you return to old ways of eating .

So just keep that in mind , and look at the bigger picture , think long term .

And finally here are some possible side effects that may occur .

Althought there is little research substantiating these liquid diet side effects , looking at anecdotal evidence shows that being on a liquid diet continuously for too long could cause any of the following  :

- Weaker immune system .

- Increase in food craving , which may lead to overeating .

- Muscle loss and weaker bones .

- Improper brain functioning .

- Mood swings and irrational thoughts .

- You will prone to cough and cold .

- it may causes nausea .

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results 

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results
So as I promised you in the beginning of the article , here the costumable diet plan that you can use to fit your need and your preferences .

We will have two plans , the first one a meal replacement type of diet for those seeking weight loss .

And the other one will be for those who want to detox there bodies

Meal replacement liquid diet meal plan

- Early Morning (6:00 a.m.) : ... 1 cup water with the juice of half of a citrus fruit - lemon would be the best option - .

- Breakfast (7:00 a.m.) : ... Berries - feel free to choose whatever type you like - , oatmeal, dates, 2 nuts , and milk smoothie , or a meal replacement low-calorie shake .

- Mid Morning (10:00 a.m.) : ... 1 glass egg nog + 1 cup green tea .

- Lunch (12:30 p.m.) : ... Mushroom or legume soup + 1 glass vegetable juice .

- Post-lunch (3:30 p.m.) : ... Buttermilk with nut powder .

- Dinner (7:00 p.m.) : ... Vegetable broth with grilled meat - feel free to choose whatever type you want - , or a meal replacement low-calorie shake .

Detox liquid diet meal plan

- Early Morning (6:00 a.m.) : ...1 cup water with the juice of half of a citrus fruit - lemon would be the best option - .

- Breakfast (7:00 a.m.) : ... One citrus fruit , one fruit of your choice , seed powder of your choice and a mint smoothie .

- Mid Morning (10:00 a.m.) : ... A juice .

- Lunch (12:30 p.m.) : ... vegetable soup + 1 cup meat broth .

- Post-lunch (3:30 p.m.) : ... Herbal tea .

- Dinner (7:00 p.m.) : ... Blended squash or Mushroom soup .

You might be looking at this meal plans and saying :

" That's it ?? Is this all what I can eat ? What if I want to do this long term ? Are you telling me that I should stick to only few types of foods ??"

Guess what ? You don't .

Here is a list of all the foods that you can include :

- Fruits and veggies .
- Full fat / almond / soy milk .
- Yogurt and low-cal frozen yogurt .
- Eggs , raw or scrambled .
- Tea / coffee / healthy beverages .
- Popsicles .
- Water... daa !! - you can also drink flavored one .
- Cold-pressed juices .
- Honey / syrup .
- Sports drinks .
- Ice cream .
- Soups and broths .
- Lean protein like fish, chicken, lentils, beans, tofu, mushroom, and soy .
- Sorbet .
- Herbs .

Final thoughts

The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet For Jaw Dropping Weight Loss Results

As I always say , weight loss is a marathon not a sprint .

Weight loss is a lifestyle and should be a long term goal .

If you are panicking , rushing and running all over the place just to lose weight now , you will regret it later I promise .

If you want to be successful in your weight loss journey as well as anything in life you need to learn and create habits that will set you up for the future .

Even if a liquid diet do work when it comes to shedding some pounds , following an ultimate 30 day liquid diet for weight loss is just a short term , and what you should look at is the bigger picture .

However , if you are willing to take the challenge and you decided that you want to try " The Ultimate 30 Days Liquid Diet " there are some points that I want you to consider :

- Talk to your doctor before you try anything : this way you ensure that you are taking the right decision for your own specific situation .

- If your doctor gives you the green light , you should talk to a registered dietitian , which will costume the diet according to your need , making sure that you are getting the proper amount of calories , macros and micros .

- And finally , remember that this is your body , and your life so make sure that the diet you choose will be suitable for your own preferences and lifestyle , because there is no " one size fits all " type of diet .

So that was it for this article , if you have any questions or comment feel free to leave them down below as I'll get back to you as soon as I can .

And if you are yet to check my last article about The Most Effective Ways For Rapid Fat Loss In 2020 , you can check it out here .

Also don't forget to subscribe to our email list down below , that way you'll get notified whenever I post a new article .

With that said , I'll talk to you in the next article .

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